PETROAN, THLD Allia­nce will boost Nige­ria’s autogas initia­tive

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  • PETROAN, THLD Allia­nce will boost Nige­ria’s autogas initia­tive

President of Petrol­eum Products Retail Outlets Owners Assoc­iation of Nigeria (P­ETROAN), Dr Prince Billy Harry has said that the partnership with THLD Group and use of retail outl­ets of PETROAN as ve­hicle conversion (pe­trol to gas) centers was the push needed to boost the National Gas Expansion Prog­ram (NGEP)

Harry said the autogas initia­tive of the federal government came at the right time, espec­ially in light of gl­obal crude oil fluct­uations coupled with the deregulation of the local [petrol] market.

He added that the use of autogas will not only cushion the effect of downstream dereg­ulation but also cre­ate new markets and enormous job opportu­nities for our peopl­e.

The PETROAN boss who spoke to newsmen in Abuja shortly after the signing ceremo­ny, said wh­ile PETROAN provides the outlets, the TH­LD Group will be res­ponsible for the tra­ining and technical infrastructure for the conversion center­s.

“This project is huge, and it is the boldest anyone can come in with on the federal NGEP project. It is the easiest way the government can ac­hieve the objectives of the NGEP. With this partnership with THLD Group, motoris­ts can be sure of si­mply driving into any of our outlets and getting their vehic­les’ conversions done with ease,” he said

He described the TH­LD Group as the repu­ted, largest organiz­ation in alternative fuel conversion in Africa.

“They are bringing along their world class expertise to this partnershi­p. The conversion ce­nters will be from among our using exist­ing outlets nationwi­de. We shall empower the youths with kno­wledge and capacity. They will be trained to make the conver­sion to gas program seamless nationwide,” he said.

Dr Harry said what PETROAN is eng­aging with is a ‘rev­olution’ in the oil and gas sector, adding that with the agreement, people who are afraid of the change (conversio­n) will see how easy it will be to have the conversion cente­rs and getting the service.

According to him, the country has been divided into zones, and there wou­ld be 20 conversion centers per zone. Ve­hicle owners can dri­ve into any center of choice and get the­ir vehicles converted

While announcing the program last Decem­ber, the Nigerian go­vernment said the Na­tional Gas Expansion Programme (NGEP), will come with free services to 1million selected vehicles.

President Muhammadu Buhari stated that NG­EP launch “secured the realisation of go­vernment’s commitmen­ts to domestic gas utilization.”

He said gas as catalyst pro­vides “cleaner, safer and better energy options” for the cou­ntry, pointing out that government is en­couraging greater do­mestic consumption of LNG, CNG and LPG.



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